Ansonia Clock Co. "Triumph", C. 1880, or more commonly called "Mirrorside".
Several companies made this almost identical clock. The case is oak, which we rarely see, stands 24.5" high, and was cleaned a long time ago, not refinished. Everything is original and very nice, except we aren't sure about the statues. They are white metal and are hollow at the base up about 1 inch, which leads me to think they are original, however the casting isn't as sharp as I think originals should be. Ornaments are bronze. Plate glass mirrors are clear and sharp. Glass is original as is the dial, pendulum, and lower finials. The top finials don't look like those in the catalogs. 8 day movement, time, strike, and alarm, runs like a top. Strikes a cathedral gong on half hours, alarms on a brass bell. A piece of the label identifies the clock as Ansonia. Change the poor wrinkled paper dial and you will have a very nice clock. Ly-Ansonia #1772.
Clock types