Ithaca Calendar Clock Co. "No. 3 Regulator", or "8 Day Bank Clock", C. 1875.
This, a large shelf calendar using the same clock body as the No. 1 and No. 2 Regulators or Bank clocks. I have been unable to find a picture in the catalogs exactly like this case, the only difference being the fancy carved pendulum window at the bottom. The No. 3 was also made with a bottom shelf to make it a wall clock. They were easily detached and usually were lost. This is a walnut case, 39" high, expertly refinished many years ago, and I would think new paper dials added at that time. They are significantly aged and may well be original as everything else about the clock is original. Note the factory stamps in the middle of the case, "No.1156", and "1879". This clock is from the same collection as #178, very fine clocks, expertly maintained, running condition, but remember it has been in storage several years and may need some oil. Ly-Calendar #130, and Millers "Calendar Clocks", page 31.
Clock types