W. S. Conant, New York, 8 day, 2 weight OG cased clock.
Very little is know about Mr. Conant except he sold clocks in the 1845-1850 time period, more than likely buying cases and movements from others. This 8 day brass movement was made by Elisha Manross in his new factory around 1845. The 2 iron weights are very large and formed slightly different than most 8 day weights. The mahogany veneer case is 28" high and like all the preceeding is very nice but also has some small chips on the sides of the base and top. Really nothing to get excited about. The mirror is very old with some fading. I can't swear it is original. Great full label inside. Pretty nice old wood dial has some stretch marks, or paint loss, mostly on the left side. References: the movement is discussed and pictured in the Bulletin article by A. Lee Smith, Number 286, page 541. A Conant clock is discussed in Bulletin 268, page 489; and the movement is pictured and discussed in Snowden Taylor's article in Bulletin 270, page 3.
Clock types