English tall case clock by John Edgecumb, Bristol.
John Edgecumb worked as a clockmaker in Bristol, England around 1780-1812. Subsequently, his sons followed their father into the clockmaking trade, according to records in the Bristol historical society. This lovely example of Edgecumb's work includes a delightfully inlaid oak case (see our photographs) and a painted iron dial that retains the maker's signature (see photograph). The height of this clock (7'6") makes it exactly right for any home setting where it will be displayed. The movement of the clock has been professionally cleaned and hand polished (no chemicals useDepth ever!) and then fine tuned for perfect operation. We are able to ship this size clock using custom antiques shipping carriers for a modest amount to the buyer. A wonderful eight-day clock with bell strike on the hours and an unusually attractive oak case, priced to sell quickly to the lucky buyer who adds it to his or her basket on our site. Height: 80 in. (203.20 cm) Depth: 10 in. (25.40 cm) Width: 18 in. (45.72 cm) Weight: 35
Clock types