Remember 3 weight Grand Sonnerie Vienna Regulator in a 49 inches tall light walnut case. Remember is a trademark used by Austria's leading clock manufacturer, the Resch brothers, ca back to 1886.
This case is tight and the finish good. The headpiece is nicely carved, looks great on the clock, but is not original. The tail piece has a craved design, has a porcelain beat scale, the weights, pendulum stick and bob are plain but in good condition. The hands match and the 8 day movement runs and strikes properly. The 6.25 inches two piece porcelain dial is unsigned and is basically in very good condition with a very few hairlines. The movement strikes the quarters and hours, every quarter hour on two coiled gongs. The movement serial number is 42938 and the pendulum number is 42936. I bet they came from the factory that way. 3 weight Grand Sonnerie's are becoming more and more poplar as American weight regulator prices keep going higher.
Clock types