L.F. and W.W. Carter, calendar clock in a B.B. Lewis Calendar No. 2 case, ca 1862-1868.
Eight day, two weight, timepiece. Solid plates, retaining power, steel-pivoted rolling pinion. We hung a pair of weights and it runs strong although we know the clock has been on a shelf for many years. Old and original dials, hands, pendulum, old key and old weights. Not knowing exactly which type weights to use I hung rectangle weights about 6 inches long. If it takes round weights, someone let me know. With this collection, there must have been 100 or more weights. Rosewood case is 31 inches high, has not been mothered as it should have been, and looks a little dry. There are some hauling marks that will rub out, and a couple of small veneer chips on the base. Very good labels inside and over the calendar mechanism. Ly-Calendar, page 41.
Clock types