mantel clock, "A. Munger's Patent Brass Eight Day Clocks and Time Pieces Warrented Good/ And Sold Wholesale And Retail Auburn", the exact copy of the full backboard label
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
. 8 day timepiece; pewter plates and cut steel pinions, ca late 1820's. He made only timepieces until the middle 1830's, and they are said to be quite rare. The earliest and rarest of his clocks. All original except, possibly, the mirror. Exellent wallpaper backup, with great label; flying eagle pendulum; original thin hands; correct old weight. Original dial and upper glass painted surround. 35 inches mahogany case with ironing board top, small tear drop finials all across and underneath the top board. Fluted half columns on each side of the full door. Reference n NAWCC Bulletin, December 1966, page 571, where this case style, label, movement, are pictured and discussed at length.
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Munger, Asa
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Horton's Antique Clocks
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mantel clock, "A. Munger's Patent Brass Eight Day Clocks and Time Pieces Warrented Good/ And Sold Wholesale And Retail Auburn", the exact copy of the full backboard label . 8 day timepiece; pewter plates and cut steel pinions, ca late 1820's. He made only timepieces until the middle 1830's, and they are said to be quite rare. The earliest and rarest of his clocks. All original except, possibly, the mirror. Exellent wallpaper backup, with great label; flying eagle pendulum; original thin hands; correct old weight. Original dial and upper glass painted surround. 35 inches mahogany case with ironing board top, small tear drop finials all across and underneath the top board. Fluted half columns on each side of the full door. Reference n NAWCC Bulletin, December 1966, page 571, where this case style, label, movement, are pictured and discussed at length.
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