C.1845, Birge and Fuller, 8-day Sharp Gothic on Frame with candle finials time/strike wagon spring clock.
Condition: Mahogany case has restoration issues. Privacy glass in doors is not original. Dial now has a paper Swigart overpaste, and a crude metal strip has been attached to the bottom of the dial to create an odd type mounting. Hands are not original. Door latches are old but not original. We have never seen ripple molding on this model, and yet it has been there for well over 100 years. The moldings that support the candle finials are not original as they are not the correct form, although they are old. One of the candle finials appears to be a replacement.. Signed movement appears original to the case, although badly repaired. There is a small fragment of label in the case. One ball foot is missing. Right lever has been welded; rest of wagon spring assembly OK. Case could be restored or used for parts to restore a better example. Height 25.5 inches
Clock types