C.1835, Putnam Bailey, Goshen, Conn., 30-hour time and strike half column and splat shelf clock, less top.
Anonymous (not verified)
22 October 2024
Condition: Refinished mahogany veneered case in good condition with some minor veneer loss and repairs. Mirror is a replacement. Original painted dial has some flaking and has turned a little dark. Hands are missing. Columns have been re-stenciled. No weights. Good label. Height 29.75 inches [75.56 cm]
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Bailey, Putnam
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1835, Putnam Bailey, Goshen, Conn., 30-hour time and strike half column and splat shelf clock, less top. Condition: Refinished mahogany veneered case in good condition with some minor veneer loss and repairs. Mirror is a replacement. Original painted dial has some flaking and has turned a little dark. Hands are missing. Columns have been re-stenciled. No weights. Good label. Height 29.75 inches [75.56 cm]
Clock types