C.1888, E. Howard and Co., "Watch Clock for One Watchman", dial is 11", case is 4 feet six inches long and 19 inches wide, of solid oak, with 31" pendulum.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Condition: quarter sawn oak case retains original finish in good condition; original tablet has lost some of its gold leaf ad explaining the watchman's clock, and black background has losses. Movement needs cleaning; pulley is tied inside case. Square iron weight. Our last sale of this model was May 7, 2006, lot 281, which realized $2100+ Height 54 inches
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Howard, E and Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1888, E. Howard and Co., "Watch Clock for One Watchman", dial is 11", case is 4 feet six inches long and 19 inches wide, of solid oak, with 31" pendulum. Condition: quarter sawn oak case retains original finish in good condition; original tablet has lost some of its gold leaf ad explaining the watchman's clock, and black background has losses. Movement needs cleaning; pulley is tied inside case. Square iron weight. Our last sale of this model was May 7, 2006, lot 281, which realized $2100+ Height 54 inches
Clock types