C.1690, English, Jonathan Loundes, (also Lowndes), Pall Mall, London, 8-day time and strike 2-fusee bracket clock. Nice brass dial with winged cherub spandrels, matte center w/ date aperture and ringed winding holes.
Condition: Ebony veneered oak case with restorations in nice condition with a very old finish. The veneer has developed age cracks on the side panels. The fabric behind the fretwork has been replaced. Carrying handle appears to be old and may be original. Four small finials are modern, and this case style does not normally call for finials. Lock to the front door is missing. Signed dial is in very good condition, name at top and address and city at bottom. "No-strike" lever is absent (hole for lever is empty) Hands are the proper type and appear to be original. Beautifully engraved rear plate is elaborately signed by the maker. The pierced and engraved verge cock is original, as is the escapement; movement running robustly. Tie downs to hold mov't in case are absent [holes in case bottom]. From Dana's bedroom, overall a good clock that will respond to additional restoration. Ht. 16"
Clock types