C.1865, French, Leroy and Fils, Brass cased carriage clock, in a one piece case, time, strike, repeat and alarm, both dial and movement signed Leroy and Fils, Palais Royal, Paris, presentation.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Condition: left side glass is broken and will need replacing. Repeat button is a nut and needs a proper turned one. Case will need polishing or re-gilding. Retains original platform and is running. The base is deeply and elaborately engraved "Rose Eliot from Wayman Crow" Wayman Crow was a prominent dry goods merchant in St. Louis and was one of the founders of Washington University in that city. This was an expensive clock at the end of the Civil War, and we feel confident this is the same Wayman Crow. Height 6.4 inches
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LeRoy and Fils
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1865, French, Leroy and Fils, Brass cased carriage clock, in a one piece case, time, strike, repeat and alarm, both dial and movement signed Leroy and Fils, Palais Royal, Paris, presentation. Condition: left side glass is broken and will need replacing. Repeat button is a nut and needs a proper turned one. Case will need polishing or re-gilding. Retains original platform and is running. The base is deeply and elaborately engraved "Rose Eliot from Wayman Crow" Wayman Crow was a prominent dry goods merchant in St. Louis and was one of the founders of Washington University in that city. This was an expensive clock at the end of the Civil War, and we feel confident this is the same Wayman Crow. Height 6.4 inches
Clock types