Modern A. Thomson Xenia Ohio Banjo Clock,
8-day time only, weight-driven, brass movement stamped Kilbourn & Proctor Inc.. Painted steel dial with A. Thomson Xenia Ohio. Mahogany case with gilt front, top full turned finial, bottom drop with half acorn finial, turned ball drops at bottom of weight box, door and waist with gilt roping and spandrels. Brass scroll brackets mounted at sides of waist and hinged brass bevel for dial. Tapered waist tablet with polychrome-painted Greek urn with vine, inner polychrome and gilt floral border with white margin border; lower door tablet with chariot being pulled by peacocks bearing Greek goddess; sunburst open center, and same inner and outer border as middle tablet. 10.75" wide x 4"deep x 42" long.Assembled from parts ordered from Foster S. Campos, Pembroke, Ma., includes illustrated brocher from above.Ex Paul A. Heffner Collection.EXC.
Clock types