Luman Watson, Cincinnati Cherry Tall Case Clock,
with poplar secondary wood. The hood has a broken-arch pediment, turned columns, tombstone door, and conical finials. The case has a scratch-beaded door, canted corners, and cutout feet. Retains a dry, old finish. With a 30-hour wooden movement. The seat board is stamped I 3 times, an unknown Watson stamp. The dial is marked L. WATSON CINCINNATI and has polychrome floral and gilt decoration in the spandrels and dial arch. Ca 1820; 87" high x 17.5" wide x 10.5" deep. Luman Watson (1790-1834) came to Ohio in 1809 and became a prolific clockmaker. His factory turned out some 30,000 tall clocks.From the Estate of John Auraden of Hamilton & Fairhaven, Ohio.Age cracks, pediment replaced, no glass in the hood, 1 column broken and half missing; only G.
Clock types