C.1860, English, Barraud-Maker to the Royal Navy, 41 Cornhill, London 2-Day chronometer, No. 2635 in a Cuban mahogany case with brass corners, the very top cover replaced, and with a C.1941 Hamilton outer case, felt lined.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Condition: the restored top cover [.65"] has been nicely done, with proper hinges, brass corners, and latch striker; key+ main lock are intact. The chain fusee movement was made to the highest standards, with spotted plates, Earnshaw's detent escapement, compensating balance and helical spring, all features in most chronometers after 1850. Note the seconds dial and up-down dial are in opposite positions to other chronometers. Runs briskly. Dial diameter = 4" ht of case = 7.5" ht of outer case = 9.5"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1860, English, Barraud-Maker to the Royal Navy, 41 Cornhill, London 2-Day chronometer, No. 2635 in a Cuban mahogany case with brass corners, the very top cover replaced, and with a C.1941 Hamilton outer case, felt lined. Condition: the restored top cover [.65"] has been nicely done, with proper hinges, brass corners, and latch striker; key+ main lock are intact. The chain fusee movement was made to the highest standards, with spotted plates, Earnshaw's detent escapement, compensating balance and helical spring, all features in most chronometers after 1850. Note the seconds dial and up-down dial are in opposite positions to other chronometers. Runs briskly. Dial diameter = 4" ht of case = 7.5" ht of outer case = 9.5"
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