C.1865, German, Gustav Becker, No. 39114 2-wt movement in a C.1880 Alt Deutsch walnut case with old top.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Condition: there are several extra holes in the case back indicating the change of movement. The well made Becker mov't with original pulleys, weights and pend, and the number on the bracket matches the No. on the movement. Cosmetically a good looking clock. Height 46 inches
No. 39114
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Becker, Gustav
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1865, German, Gustav Becker, No. 39114 2-wt movement in a C.1880 Alt Deutsch walnut case with old top. Condition: there are several extra holes in the case back indicating the change of movement. The well made Becker mov't with original pulleys, weights and pend, and the number on the bracket matches the No. on the movement. Cosmetically a good looking clock. Height 46 inches
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