C.1790, Austrian, Gaetano Endres, Gorizia (in the Carnic Alps], early Grand Sonnerie bracket clock in a carved and ebonized baroque case, multi piece dial with mock pendulum and dials for strike/no strike.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Condition: although the movement has not been serviced in a century and is barely turning, this clock is in very good original condition, striking quarters and hours on 2 separate bells and with crown-verge escapement with short pendulum. Hands repaired and still need attn. Height 15.5 inches
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Endres, Gaetano
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1790, Austrian, Gaetano Endres, Gorizia (in the Carnic Alps], early Grand Sonnerie bracket clock in a carved and ebonized baroque case, multi piece dial with mock pendulum and dials for strike/no strike. Condition: although the movement has not been serviced in a century and is barely turning, this clock is in very good original condition, striking quarters and hours on 2 separate bells and with crown-verge escapement with short pendulum. Hands repaired and still need attn. Height 15.5 inches
Clock types