C.1865, German, Gustav Becker, Freiburg-i/S, 1-Wt Vienna Regulator, in an inlaid case. The movement with black porcelain dial and gilt numerals, pendulum with multi color cloisonne enamel, and the special pulley with black enamel inlay, and the original
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
Condition: other than hole poked through rear of case at top, it is excellent and original. Ht 30"
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Becker, Gustav
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1865, German, Gustav Becker, Freiburg-i/S, 1-Wt Vienna Regulator, in an inlaid case. The movement with black porcelain dial and gilt numerals, pendulum with multi color cloisonne enamel, and the special pulley with black enamel inlay, and the original weight with enamel trim caps top and bottom, orig movement serial No. 146490 Condition: other than hole poked through rear of case at top, it is excellent and original. Ht 30"
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