Modern reproduction of a New Hampshire Mirror clock, 8-day, weight driven, with a quality movement by Kilbourn and Proctor (repro Morrill wheelbarrow style movement with scape and pendulum to the right). C.1980.
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
Some of the gold leaf has failed and the sizing turned dark; the well painted tablet with Masonic tools is still in fine condition. Overall in excellent original condition. Height 32 inches
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Kilbourn and Proctor
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Modern reproduction of a New Hampshire Mirror clock, 8-day, weight driven, with a quality movement by Kilbourn and Proctor (repro Morrill wheelbarrow style movement with scape and pendulum to the right). C.1980. Some of the gold leaf has failed and the sizing turned dark; the well painted tablet with Masonic tools is still in fine condition. Overall in excellent original condition. Height 32 inches
Clock types