Waltham Clock Co., Waltham, Mass, C.1940, Custom regulator, made for E. S. French, President of the Boston and Maine Railway. With 3-jar mercury pendulum [nickel finished metal jars], and with dead beat escapement, Geneva stopwork and maintaining power.
the heavy and well made mahogany case retains original finish, finials and hardware. The original nickel weight has knurled ends; someone added an inch {add'l pound} which could be removed; it is well done. Note that this movement is set in beat by turning thumb screws attached directly to the anchor, and has very fine wheelwork throughout. The case back has 4 holes that were used for screwing it solidly to the wall. Mr. F. C. "Buck" Dumaine, Jr., railway magnate and director of Amsokeag Co, purchased the assets of Waltham Clock Co. around this time, and ordered this special regulator. He gave it as a gift to E. S. French, and a silvered brass plaque on the front door dated 1940 affirms that gift. On Frenchs death in 1968, the clock was returned to Dumaine, still director of the Amoskeag Co. It hung in the Amoskeag Offices in the Prudential Building for 26 years and was purchased from Mr. and Mrs. Dumaine {receipt signed by both} in 1994, before her death in 1996, and Buck Dumaine's death in '97. Clock was removed from the Prudential Building by Mr. Neff, the consignor. A copy of the notes, bill of sale to Neff, and articles about both Dumaines and short biography of French are included with this lot. Certain to be of interest to railway specialists. Ht. 67"
Clock types