English, John Fleet, 6-tune musical bracket clock, in a Gothic styled mahogany case with brass inlay, and a painted dial with subsidiary rings in the arch for Chime-Not Chime, and the right ring with the tunes: God Save the King, Del Caros Fancy, Russian
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
there are some missing trim moldings on the spires, and a right return molding is absent; there is an old molding inside the case that can be adapted. The brass inlay is in very good condition, some bits loose, and the brass side frets are complete, in the shape of church windows. The two time hands are original; the 2 smaller hands have been made to fit (look ok). With original engraved pendulum. Locks in both doors are intact. Ht 22"
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Fleet, John
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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English, John Fleet, 6-tune musical bracket clock, in a Gothic styled mahogany case with brass inlay, and a painted dial with subsidiary rings in the arch for Chime-Not Chime, and the right ring with the tunes: God Save the King, Del Caros Fancy, Russian Dance, Bonny Lad, White Cockade and Miss Barker's Hornpipe, playing on a nest of 12 bells with 13 hammers, the 3-train mov't with chain fusees and engraved back plate, C.1820 there are some missing trim moldings on the spires, and a right return molding is absent; there is an old molding inside the case that can be adapted. The brass inlay is in very good condition, some bits loose, and the brass side frets are complete, in the shape of church windows. The two time hands are original; the 2 smaller hands have been made to fit (look ok). With original engraved pendulum. Locks in both doors are intact. Ht 22"
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