French, Gillet Ain A Clermont, Paris, four column Empire mantel clock in bright ormolu case with well made spring driven pinwheel movement and count wheel strike, c1860
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
this clock is in very nice condition with some loss to the gilding that seems to be confined to the sides and back of the case. There are some small corrosion spots on the column base. Silvered dial is very fine. Pendulum has a filed flat spot on the bottom. The bell appears to be a replacement. Ht 24.5"
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Gillet Ain A Clermont
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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French, Gillet Ain A Clermont, Paris, four column Empire mantel clock in bright ormolu case with well made spring driven pinwheel movement and count wheel strike, c1860 this clock is in very nice condition with some loss to the gilding that seems to be confined to the sides and back of the case. There are some small corrosion spots on the column base. Silvered dial is very fine. Pendulum has a filed flat spot on the bottom. The bell appears to be a replacement. Ht 24.5"
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