Belgian, E. Giddius Rousseau, Bruxelles, a green Neuchatel clock and bracket, quarter striking, with 13 piece dial, c1790
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
in generally good and as-found condition, several of the pieces of ormolu are loose on the case (held in place with brass nails); there are some hairlines on the dial, which is signed as in the headline above. Fretted, chased and gilt hour hand is original; gilt minute hand is not chased and is probably an old replacement. The original finish with some restoration and now peeling a bit from neglect, will need attention. Robust movement with rear count wheel has anchor/tic-tac 'scape. Quarters are struck on original 2 bells mounted under top case trim. Ht 33"
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Giddius, E
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Belgian, E. Giddius Rousseau, Bruxelles, a green Neuchatel clock and bracket, quarter striking, with 13 piece dial, c1790 in generally good and as-found condition, several of the pieces of ormolu are loose on the case (held in place with brass nails); there are some hairlines on the dial, which is signed as in the headline above. Fretted, chased and gilt hour hand is original; gilt minute hand is not chased and is probably an old replacement. The original finish with some restoration and now peeling a bit from neglect, will need attention. Robust movement with rear count wheel has anchor/tic-tac 'scape. Quarters are struck on original 2 bells mounted under top case trim. Ht 33"
Clock types