Clocks- 2 (Two) German brass and glass novelty clocks, Kundo Electronic and Schatz carriage, later 20th century
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the Kundo is in nearly new condition and comes in its original packaging. It requires a battery, and has not been tested, but has a magnetically impulsed pendulum that advances that hands. Ht 9 1/2" with glass dome. The carriage clock, with its movement stamped "59", ticks but needs service; its case has tarnished. Ht 5"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Clocks- 2 (Two) German brass and glass novelty clocks, Kundo Electronic and Schatz carriage, later 20th century the Kundo is in nearly new condition and comes in its original packaging. It requires a battery, and has not been tested, but has a magnetically impulsed pendulum that advances that hands. Ht 9 1/2" with glass dome. The carriage clock, with its movement stamped "59", ticks but needs service; its case has tarnished. Ht 5"
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