James Arthur, New York City, a "one-of-a-kind" shelf banjo time piece, weight driven, 8 day. 1903 [dated]
Odd pieces from the James Arthur estate have filtered onto the market over the past half century, and older collectors recognize his work at first sight. Arthur emigrated to NY from Scotland and owned and operated a New York City machine shop for patent models. Both the study of clocks and making unique items were his hobby. The substantial and well made mahogany case has nice proportions. Arthur created a jewel-like pattern on the movement mounting plate and on the heavy brass weight cover. The heavy turned brass pendulum bob is typical of his work. The top and bottom door are latched by heavy brass latches from the period. Weight runs on a vertical steel track so it cannot get lost or forgotten. This clock is signed with his stamp and dated 1903 on the rear of the pendulum bob. Ht 37"
Clock types