Gustav Becker, Germany, skeleton form 400 day torsion pendulum clock, the movement of year duration with polished brass plates, deadbeat escapement, with Medaille d'Or on back plate, silvered Arabic numeral dial and blued steel hands, polished brass disc
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
Brass plates with some minor spotting and discoloration, escapement functional and with power, movement should be serviced, dial very good with some fine spotting, and some loss to black paint on numerals, hands good, the hour with minor rust, pendulum with a few minor dents, one wrinkle and scattered spotting, wooden base refinished, and with separation at the glue joints, glass dome very good Ht 13 1/4"
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Becker, Gustav
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Gustav Becker, Germany, skeleton form 400 day torsion pendulum clock, the movement of year duration with polished brass plates, deadbeat escapement, with Medaille d'Or on back plate, silvered Arabic numeral dial and blued steel hands, polished brass disc pendulum with faint serial number matching that o f the movement, mounted to an oval wooden base, and covered with a conforming oval dome, serial #2135603, c1900 Brass plates with some minor spotting and discoloration, escapement functional and with power, movement should be serviced, dial very good with some fine spotting, and some loss to black paint on numerals, hands good, the hour with minor rust, pendulum with a few minor dents, one wrinkle and scattered spotting, wooden base refinished, and with separation at the glue joints, glass dome very good Ht 13 1/4"
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