Dial signed: Joseph Fordham, Braintree, England tall clock, 30 hour, time and bell strike, one weight driven movement with endless rope winding, now in a Bombay style highly figured crotch walnut veneer case with heavy walnut banding around trunk
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
someone has done a good job of adapting this English movement to an old Continental case. The brass dial plate is recent, cut to fit shape of hood, and the original spandrels, chapter and hands added, with crown cut off 4 of the spandrels. This style English birdcage movement always had a square dial with 4 corner spandrels. The case has been refinished and has minor veneer loss at top and bottom left ears of the hood, side front round molding on the trunk and others. There has been some veneer replaced elsewhere. The glass in the hood door is absent. The movement has been recently serviced and with pendulum present but disconnected due to stripped threads. Ht 85 1/2"
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Fordham, Joseph
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Dial signed: Joseph Fordham, Braintree, England tall clock, 30 hour, time and bell strike, one weight driven movement with endless rope winding, now in a Bombay style highly figured crotch walnut veneer case with heavy walnut banding around trunk exterior and base. The one handed brass dial signed "Jos. Fordham Braintree" has applied brass corner spandrels and English crown and cherub spandrel in arch, c1730 someone has done a good job of adapting this English movement to an old Continental case. The brass dial plate is recent, cut to fit shape of hood, and the original spandrels, chapter and hands added, with crown cut off 4 of the spandrels. This style English birdcage movement always had a square dial with 4 corner spandrels. The case has been refinished and has minor veneer loss at top and bottom left ears of the hood, side front round molding on the trunk and others. There has been some veneer replaced elsewhere. The glass in the hood door is absent. The movement has been recently serviced and with pendulum present but disconnected due to stripped threads. Ht 85 1/2"
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