Mayer, Germany, 30 hours, novelty clock in a silvered cast iron case, the oval base with rocks and foliage, with a log cabin above, the male figure on the left looking in the window, his head rocking back and forth as the clock ticks, while on the right
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
Case dirty, but retains much of its original surface, figures and dog with gold paint, may have been painted originally, as the dog appears to have a bit of red paint near his mouth beneath the over paint rocking head reattached to wire with solder, dog tongue probably a replacement, casting in good condition, dial with hairlines, hands with loss to gilding, and with incorrect retaining nut, running but could use cleaning and adjustment Ht 6 3/4"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Mayer, Germany, 30 hours, novelty clock in a silvered cast iron case, the oval base with rocks and foliage, with a log cabin above, the male figure on the left looking in the window, his head rocking back and forth as the clock ticks, while on the right side, a woman and man embrace, the white enamel Roman numeral dial mounted to the front of the structure, while a panting dog emerges from a window above the clock, his tongue moving in and out as the clock runs, tall rectangular plate movement similar to a Zappler, the back plate signed "Mayer", c1865 Case dirty, but retains much of its original surface, figures and dog with gold paint, may have been painted originally, as the dog appears to have a bit of red paint near his mouth beneath the over paint rocking head reattached to wire with solder, dog tongue probably a replacement, casting in good condition, dial with hairlines, hands with loss to gilding, and with incorrect retaining nut, running but could use cleaning and adjustment Ht 6 3/4"
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