Clocks- 2 (Two) E.N. Welch 30 hour glass paperweight "Jewels", one time only, one time and strike with repeat, c1885
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the time-only has an edge chip on the glass and a flake on the porcelain dial by the VIII. The repeater's glass is fine, but the dial has a crack and chip, and the hands are mismatched. The small brass movements wind from the back. Ht 4"
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Welch, EN
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Clocks- 2 (Two) E.N. Welch 30 hour glass paperweight "Jewels", one time only, one time and strike with repeat, c1885 the time-only has an edge chip on the glass and a flake on the porcelain dial by the VIII. The repeater's glass is fine, but the dial has a crack and chip, and the hands are mismatched. The small brass movements wind from the back. Ht 4"
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