Clocks- 2 (Two) 30 hours, novelty timepieces: Briggs rotary, c1878, with glass dome; "Genie" rotating eye, cast metal reproduction
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
The Briggs shows some wear, missisng black base paint, has darkened brass, and worn paper dial, but not bad considering its age. The molded Genie is heavy, colorful and intact, and the movement ticks. Hts 7" and 8". Sold as is, no further details available
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Clocks- 2 (Two) 30 hours, novelty timepieces: Briggs rotary, c1878, with glass dome; "Genie" rotating eye, cast metal reproduction The Briggs shows some wear, missisng black base paint, has darkened brass, and worn paper dial, but not bad considering its age. The molded Genie is heavy, colorful and intact, and the movement ticks. Hts 7" and 8". Sold as is, no further details available
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