Clocks- 2 (Two) Briggs Rotary: one original 30 hours, c1878; one Horolovar modern 8 day German reproduction; wood bases and glass domes
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the older model shows expected wear but is in good overall condition. The repro is in very nice original condition. They seem to run but not tested and sold as is. Hts. with domes 7 1/2"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Clocks- 2 (Two) Briggs Rotary: one original 30 hours, c1878; one Horolovar modern 8 day German reproduction; wood bases and glass domes the older model shows expected wear but is in good overall condition. The repro is in very nice original condition. They seem to run but not tested and sold as is. Hts. with domes 7 1/2"
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