German, Karl Griesbaum, whistling figure, his back containing the key wound, bellows driven whistle movement, and his lips pursed as if whistling, and turning his head from side to side during the performance, c1930
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
bottom dust cover is missing, easily cut from luan or similar thin wood, lantern has some loss of paint; red glass is OK. Movement whistles with encouragement; will need cleaning. This particular figure depicts a drunk with schnapps bottle in his coat pocket, ht 19"
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Griesbaum, Karl
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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German, Karl Griesbaum, whistling figure, his back containing the key wound, bellows driven whistle movement, and his lips pursed as if whistling, and turning his head from side to side during the performance, c1930 bottom dust cover is missing, easily cut from luan or similar thin wood, lantern has some loss of paint; red glass is OK. Movement whistles with encouragement; will need cleaning. This particular figure depicts a drunk with schnapps bottle in his coat pocket, ht 19"
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