Mayer, Germany, 30 hour novelty clock, the gilt basket form case containing three panting dogs, their tongues moving in and out as the clock runs, the basket supported by flanking patinated harlequins, case front with Roman numeral white enamel dial and
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
Case dirty but with most of original gilding and patination, dog tongues with minor touch ups, left harlequin with minor loss and repair to hair, dial with minor hairlines, hands dirty, original thermometer scale present but incorrectly oriented, and now mounted with a replacement, movement dirty, ticking, and with functional animation, Ht 7"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Mayer, Germany, 30 hour novelty clock, the gilt basket form case containing three panting dogs, their tongues moving in and out as the clock runs, the basket supported by flanking patinated harlequins, case front with Roman numeral white enamel dial and round thermometer scale, now with mounted thermometer, tall, rectangular 30 hour time only, movement with counterpoised pallet arbor and attachment for dog tongues, signed Mayer, c1870 Case dirty but with most of original gilding and patination, dog tongues with minor touch ups, left harlequin with minor loss and repair to hair, dial with minor hairlines, hands dirty, original thermometer scale present but incorrectly oriented, and now mounted with a replacement, movement dirty, ticking, and with functional animation, Ht 7"
Clock types