Mayer, Germany, 30 hours, novelty clock in a nickeled, cast case, the oval base with rocks and foliage, with a log cabin above, a gnome on the left is preparing to kill a chicken, while on the right side, a woman and man embrace, the white enamel Roman
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
Case with minor abrasions and dirt, minor dings and two fine, short splits at back of base, gnome with added tab for mounting, gilding restored, dial dirty and with hairlines, hands replaced, movement clean and running, and with functional animation, Ht 6 3/4"
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Mayer, Germany, 30 hours, novelty clock in a nickeled, cast case, the oval base with rocks and foliage, with a log cabin above, a gnome on the left is preparing to kill a chicken, while on the right side, a woman and man embrace, the white enamel Roman numeral dial, gilt hands, and a panting dog emerging from a window above the clock, his tongue moving in and out as the clock runs, tall rectangular plate movement with counterpoised pallet arbor and with attachment for dog tongue, back plate signed "Mayer", c1870 Case with minor abrasions and dirt, minor dings and two fine, short splits at back of base, gnome with added tab for mounting, gilding restored, dial dirty and with hairlines, hands replaced, movement clean and running, and with functional animation, Ht 6 3/4"
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