Grand mother tall clock reproduction in the manner of Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass., 8 days, time only, weight driven movement in a pine case with a painted metal Rocking Ship dial, number 15 stamped on hood and trunk, c1980
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the clock is in very good original condition with a few scrapes around hood door handle. Ht 60Ó
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Stennes, Elmer O
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Grand mother tall clock reproduction in the manner of Elmer O. Stennes, Weymouth, Mass., 8 days, time only, weight driven movement in a pine case with a painted metal Rocking Ship dial, number 15 stamped on hood and trunk, c1980 the clock is in very good original condition with a few scrapes around hood door handle. Ht 60Ó
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