Lenzkirch, Germany, Symphonion Hall Clock, style No. 25 ST., walnut case with heavily molded base and standing on compressed ball feet, richly ornamented with veneers, turned elements and carving, mid section with door concealing the music player and disc
case with repairs, nicks, scrapes and bumps, polished, base shelf with split at back, base molding with minor veneer losses, escutcheon for mid section lock with loss, minor veneer loss at top of right side, turned bezel with splits, piece of molding replaced above left column on clock case door, piece of molding missing on left side of clock case, turret at case top with chip out of molding, four large finials replaced, dial with darkened areas, music box working, does not shut off after playing the tune, needs adjustment, some levers for activating the music have been restored, comb missing two teeth, crank for music box with repair, Ht 78" W 23" Please see Bowers "Encyclopedia of Automatic Musical Instruments", page 220 for an engraving and brief description of this clock
Clock types