John Stewart, Auchterarder, Scotland, tall clock, 8 day, time and strike, weight driven movement in an mahogany veneer case with broken arch with brass rosettes, two full columns with brass capitals and bases flanking hood and Hepplewhite cutout bracket
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has been refinished and there is a chip in veneer below left side of broken arch and near the trunk door escutcheon. There is veneer lifting below the trunk door. The pendulum is a replacement and the weights are period but mismatched. The bridge that holds the suspension on the pendulum is bent and will need to be straightened. The hands and finials are replacements.
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Stewart, John
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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John Stewart, Auchterarder, Scotland, tall clock, 8 day, time and strike, weight driven movement in an mahogany veneer case with broken arch with brass rosettes, two full columns with brass capitals and bases flanking hood and Hepplewhite cutout bracket feet. The painted iron dial has a calendar, second's bit, painting in arch of a Scottish lad doing a Highland fling (jig) and cutout brass hands. the case has been refinished and there is a chip in veneer below left side of broken arch and near the trunk door escutcheon. There is veneer lifting below the trunk door. The pendulum is a replacement and the weights are period but mismatched. The bridge that holds the suspension on the pendulum is bent and will need to be straightened. The hands and finials are replacements.
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