Junghans, Germany swinging doll novelty mantel clock, 8 days, time only, spring driven movment wound from the side of an oak case in the form of a chalet with bisque figures of a well dressed man pushing a young Victorian lady on a swing. The white enamel
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has remnants of a very old finish. The figures are both in excellent condition with only very minor damage and the dial is in excellent condition. The movement ticks but has not been fully tested.
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Junghans, Germany swinging doll novelty mantel clock, 8 days, time only, spring driven movment wound from the side of an oak case in the form of a chalet with bisque figures of a well dressed man pushing a young Victorian lady on a swing. The white enamel dial is marked with Junghan's trademark. the case has remnants of a very old finish. The figures are both in excellent condition with only very minor damage and the dial is in excellent condition. The movement ticks but has not been fully tested.
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