French "Swinging Cupid" 8 day time and strike shelf clock, white alabaster case with marble and brass accents and feet. Japy Fils movement, 1844, 149 and 1855 medailles, with double escape wheel and "chaff cutter" escapement.
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
there are many small edge chips, and a larger loss at the rear, but overall condition is very good. The white enamel dial is good (there never was a front bezel, glass and back as it was originally under a dome): The movement ticks, swings the doll and strikes on bell, but was not tested long term. We see a bit of solder where the twisted cable attaches to the cupid.
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Japy Freres et Cie
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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French "Swinging Cupid" 8 day time and strike shelf clock, white alabaster case with marble and brass accents and feet. Japy Fils movement, 1844, 149 and 1855 medailles, with double escape wheel and "chaff cutter" escapement. there are many small edge chips, and a larger loss at the rear, but overall condition is very good. The white enamel dial is good (there never was a front bezel, glass and back as it was originally under a dome): The movement ticks, swings the doll and strikes on bell, but was not tested long term. We see a bit of solder where the twisted cable attaches to the cupid.
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