France, after Farcot, swinging doll clock, 8 days, time and strike, spring driven, visible movement, chaff-cutter escapement with two escape wheels in an alabaster case with white enamel chapter ring with Roman numerals.
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
edge and corner chips to case. Putto has an old patina. The porcelain dial has hairlines; There never was a bezel or front glass, so it was originally under a glass dome. The movement is stamped with serial number 52797 and "Chappelment Brevet " as well as a trademark featuring a bird with arrows. Movement runs but was not tested long term.
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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France, after Farcot, swinging doll clock, 8 days, time and strike, spring driven, visible movement, chaff-cutter escapement with two escape wheels in an alabaster case with white enamel chapter ring with Roman numerals. edge and corner chips to case. Putto has an old patina. The porcelain dial has hairlines; There never was a bezel or front glass, so it was originally under a glass dome. The movement is stamped with serial number 52797 and "Chappelment Brevet " as well as a trademark featuring a bird with arrows. Movement runs but was not tested long term.
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