Benson, Whitehaven, England, tall case clock, 8 day, time and bell strike, weight driven movement in a carved oak case with broken arch top, center brass finial, full turned columns flanking hood resting on ogee feet. The engraved brass dial has applied
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has been refinished and is in good condition. The pendulum has a broken suspension spring. This is an attractive clock with elaborate carving.
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Benson, JW
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Benson, Whitehaven, England, tall case clock, 8 day, time and bell strike, weight driven movement in a carved oak case with broken arch top, center brass finial, full turned columns flanking hood resting on ogee feet. The engraved brass dial has applied spandrels and calendar off center the case has been refinished and is in good condition. The pendulum has a broken suspension spring. This is an attractive clock with elaborate carving.
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