George Maynard, Melford, England, 8 day, time and strike, weight driven movement in a very handsome pagoda top burled walnut case, tombstone trunk door with cove molding. molded base, two full columns flanking hood door and spun brass finials. The brass
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has an old finish and the base is an older replacement. There is a chip out of the molding on top of trunk door and a 3" triangular piece molding absent on right return molding below hood. The finials are replacements. The weights and pendulum are period. The movement appears recently serviced.
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Maynard, George
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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George Maynard, Melford, England, 8 day, time and strike, weight driven movement in a very handsome pagoda top burled walnut case, tombstone trunk door with cove molding. molded base, two full columns flanking hood door and spun brass finials. The brass dial has applied spandrels, maker's signature in boss surrounded by applied brass elements and calendar aperture at 6. the case has an old finish and the base is an older replacement. There is a chip out of the molding on top of trunk door and a 3" triangular piece molding absent on right return molding below hood. The finials are replacements. The weights and pendulum are period. The movement appears recently serviced.
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