Anton Jezek, Wien, Austria, 30 day, time, strike & grande sonnerie, weight driven movement in a two piece carved walnut case with carved and turned half columns flanking dial, carved fleur-de-lis style trim over trunk door glass over a base with a single
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has been professionally refinished. There is a small abrasion to the front molding below door. The movement, dial, weights and pendulum are all in good condition. The pendulum has an unusual brass suspension guard. The consignor has provided a custom built riser which is included to raise the clock off the floor 3 inches. This is a striking example of a desirable long duration clock.
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Jezek, Anton
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Anton Jezek, Wien, Austria, 30 day, time, strike & grande sonnerie, weight driven movement in a two piece carved walnut case with carved and turned half columns flanking dial, carved fleur-de-lis style trim over trunk door glass over a base with a single drawer, cabinet and two carved and turned 3/4 columns resting on bun feet. The intricately engraved nickel plated dial has blue numerals on raised engraved brass plaques with maker's signature "Ant. Jezek" and matching pendulum disc and weights. the case has been professionally refinished. There is a small abrasion to the front molding below door. The movement, dial, weights and pendulum are all in good condition. The pendulum has an unusual brass suspension guard. The consignor has provided a custom built riser which is included to raise the clock off the floor 3 inches. This is a striking example of a desirable long duration clock.
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