National Kei-Lac Co., Chicago, Illinois, "Kei-Lac Advertising Clock", time and slide projector, one spring driven balance wheel movement tells the time and another spring driven motor advances a circular panel holding 12 glass advertising slides, all
The unit received some mechanical restoration in the late 1980s as indicated by some of the included documents. This appears to include a new socket for the light bulb. The clock movement, advertising panel motor, and light bulb are all working. The light within the unit cast the images from a sequence of colored glass slides which feature advertising that was custom ordered from the company. Several of these order forms are included. The advertisements were projected onto a flat surface at night. Hands showing the actual time were superimposed onto the advertising images -- each of which has a clock dial around the outer edge. Advertisements in the unit feature Chicago-based businesses such as Marshall Field & Company, Victrola, Terrace Garden Restaurant, R.H. Baker Jeweler, Illinois Motor Co., Holsom Bread, Crosby Radio, and others. Unit comes with original contracts / order forms, photographs of the unit in action, colorful correspondences from 1924, and a few additional glass slides. This may be the ultimate advertising clock.
Clock types