Marti & Cie, Paris, France, figural shelf clock, 8 day, time and strike, spring driven movement with white enamel dial in a highly stylized cast brass case set on veneered wooden base surmounted by three putti grasping bacchanal themed items and cast
Anonymous (not verified)
24 October 2024
the case has some minor water damage on lower areas of the wooden base and lower areas of stand. It appears all the ornaments and figures are complete and unbroken. Height of the clock only is 26.75in.
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Marti, Samuel et Cie
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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Marti & Cie, Paris, France, figural shelf clock, 8 day, time and strike, spring driven movement with white enamel dial in a highly stylized cast brass case set on veneered wooden base surmounted by three putti grasping bacchanal themed items and cast brass appliques including matching stand with cast brass appliques, veneers and ornaments. the case has some minor water damage on lower areas of the wooden base and lower areas of stand. It appears all the ornaments and figures are complete and unbroken. Height of the clock only is 26.75in.
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