Find Clocks By Maker's Name
Search Hint: Individual's names are listed by their last name first.
Examples: Makers such as "Seth Thomas" or "Eli Terry" are found under the letter "T" as Thomas, Seth or Terry, Eli
Firms with multiple names are listed under the first letter of the first name used.
Example: The firm "Parker and Whipple" is found under the letter "P"
Examples: Makers such as "Seth Thomas" or "Eli Terry" are found under the letter "T" as Thomas, Seth or Terry, Eli
Firms with multiple names are listed under the first letter of the first name used.
Example: The firm "Parker and Whipple" is found under the letter "P"
- E Fay and Co (1)
- Eagle Mfg Co (1)
- Earnshaw, Thomas (1)
- Eastman Clock Co (14)
- EB (1)
- Ebb, EW (1)
- Eberle, J (1)
- Ecalle, A (1)
- Eco Magneto Clock Co (2)
- Ed, LB (1)
- Edgecumbe and Nichols (1)
- Edison, Thomas A (8)
- Edward, G and Sons (2)
- Edwards of Glasgow (retailer) (1)
- Edwards, A and C (2)
- Edwards, James (1)
- Edwards, S (2)
- Edwards, Wm John (1)
- Effenberger, F (1)
- Eggert and Son (1)
- Electric Ad Clock Co (1)
- Electric Neon Clock Co (1)
- Electrolier (2)
- Elgin National Watch Co (22)
- Ellicott (2)
- Ellicott and Smith (1)
- Ellicott, John (1)
- Ellieson (1)
- Elliott (16)
- Elliott Clock Co (1)
- Elliott, FW (9)
- Elliott, JJ (15)
- Ellis, Benjamin (1)
- Elpa (1)
- Elsner and Petrovits (1)
- Emanuel, HM and Son (2)
- Emerson, William G (3)
- Emory Douglas Co (1)
- Emperor (3)
- Emperor Clock Co (6)
- Empire Clock Co (6)
- EMT (1)
- Endler, H and Co (3)
- Endres, Gaetano (1)
- Endura Time Corp (1)
- Enfield Clock Co (5)
- Englebrech, Anton (1)
- English Time Corp (1)
- Engstler, J (1)
- Eppner, Gebber (1)
- Erich, Johann Adam (1)
- Ericke, William (1)
- Erste Karlsteiner Uhren Industrie (1)
- Esplin, G (1)
- Espy Curtis Co (1)
- Eterna Watch Co (2)
- Euenberger (1)
- Eureka Clock Co (29)
- Eurich and Romeo (1)
- European Watch and Clock Co (2)
- Evans (2)
- Evans, D (1)
- Evans, David and Higgs, Peter (1)
- Evans, WF (14)
- Everitt, John L (1)