C.1840, Joseph Ives, Plainville, Farmington, Conn, "Hour Glass" clock
with 30 hour single leaf spring movement. This particular clock, despite some shortcomings, has a significant provenance. It came to Mr. Cooperman from the L.S.Spangler collection, and Brooks Palmer included it in his first Book of American Clocks, figure 245. It appears again, some 44 years later in Horology Americana, page 167; there is a small crack in the top glass just visible in these photos and ours as well. Unknown to the viewer is that the backboard of the clock has been replaced, so there is no label. This work was done 75 years ago, and the workman applied stain to give it the semblance of age; if he had left the back bare, it would not look so bright by now. Tablet with touch up; one finial with damage to skirt. If all original, this would have brought $15000. Height 23 inches
Clock types