C.1880, Ithaca Hanging Kildare, in generally very good condition.
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
This very clock is pictured in Palmer's Treasury of American Clocks, page 236 (figure 416), and you will note it has had that incorrect white dial for at least 40 years. The very bottom trefoil trim is missing and 3 of the tiny little spindles are missing, however what is there is really exceptional. Has the later glass pendulum with bevel on front only. Height 31 inches
Hanging Kildare
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1880, Ithaca Hanging Kildare, in generally very good condition. This very clock is pictured in Palmer's Treasury of American Clocks, page 236 (figure 416), and you will note it has had that incorrect white dial for at least 40 years. The very bottom trefoil trim is missing and 3 of the tiny little spindles are missing, however what is there is really exceptional. Has the later glass pendulum with bevel on front only. Height 31 inches
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