C.1870, Ithaca No. 3 Parlor Calendar, early model, double
Anonymous (not verified)
23 October 2024
case with pendulum beveled front and rear and with ITC deeply engraved into the front side. This clock has 2 problems: the very top spray of the carved trim got knocked off and was replaced with a little lump from another carving, and second, the glass calendar dial has been repainted by hand (before screened jobs were available), and it is not uniform (looks OK). It is otherwise complete and original and in very good condition. A bonus is the original instructions inside the front door. This very clock is pictured in A Treasury of American Clocks, by Palmer, page 236. 8-day time and strike. Height 19 inches
Parlor Calendar No. 3 1\2
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Ithaca Calendar Clock Co
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R. O. Schmitt Fine Arts
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C.1870, Ithaca No. 3 Parlor Calendar, early model, double case with pendulum beveled front and rear and with ITC deeply engraved into the front side. This clock has 2 problems: the very top spray of the carved trim got knocked off and was replaced with a little lump from another carving, and second, the glass calendar dial has been repainted by hand (before screened jobs were available), and it is not uniform (looks OK). It is otherwise complete and original and in very good condition. A bonus is the original instructions inside the front door. This very clock is pictured in A Treasury of American Clocks, by Palmer, page 236. 8-day time and strike. Height 19 inches
Clock types