F. Kroeber Mantel Clock, "Kansas" model, circa 1888
Solid walnut case; brass movement; glass covered pendulum bob with brass surround topped by brass grape leaf pattern; 20" tall x 14" wide (at the base). The movement is signed F. Kroeber and is original to the case. The case is excellent except for a small chip on the lower left finial (see view no. 2). The pendulum is glass clad with fancy brass bezel and grape leaf ornamentation. There is some darkening on the inside pendulum paper (see View no. 3). The brass movement has been cleaned and operates perfectly striking the hours and once on the half hour on a brass cup bell. Dealer comments: extensive research has not uncovered this model in the Kroeber publications. However there is an original label on the back of this clock with the KANSAS designation and the proper F. Kroeber address and instructions. So it was a production model....but so uncommon and scarce that no one has been able to document it to date. The dial has been nicely recovered with a replacement cover paper that includes the Kroeber name. Has several extra backboard holes resulting from repositioning of the movement feet to give them a better bite into the wood over the years. NOTE: ON 7/7/00 A MEMBER OF THE KROEBER FAMILY E-MAILED US TO SAY THAT THE 'KANSAS' MODEL APPEARED IN THE 1847 EDITION OF THE KROEBER CATALOGUE.
Clock types